Join the Movement of the People


Receive a special listing in our playbill & online for 2024-2025 productions.


Receive 2 free tickets to 2024-2025 productions, VIP seating and treatment, and a special listing in our playbill and online.


Receive 4 free tickets to 2024-2025 productions, VIP seating, treatment, and bottle service, above title as a co-producer on the cover of our playbill and online, and an invitation to 2 closed rehearsals.


Receive 4 free tickets to 2024-2025 productions, free dinner before the show, VIP seating, treatment, and bottle service, above title as a co-producer and sponsor on the cover of our playbill and online, and an invitation to 2 closed rehearsals.

Every Contribution Counts:

With donations and support from our patrons, ETD has recruited and hired a talented team, engaged freelance collaborators, and a devoted board who have turned the company’s lacks into gains and are actively working to increase ETD and ETD Outreach’s programs and opportunities. These funds supported the development of new work such as Factory|Refractory, the annual New Choreographer Grant (adding a fifth recipient in 2024), and covered salaries and administrative costs.

Total Number of Artists Supported by ETD in 2023:

10 Dancers | 4 Emerging Choreographers| 1 Artistic Director | 1 Composer | 1 Live Feed Videographer | 2 Videographers | 2 Photographers | 1 Grant Writer | 2 Administrators | 1 Social Media Host | 2 Lighting Designers | 1 DJ | 3 Costume Designers

26 total

Give What You Can

Support Us


Movement of the People


Support Us * Movement of the People *


  • Board Members are vital to the development and maintenance of Eryc Taylor Dance.

    Want to become an ETD Board Member? We are looking for someone who can:

    • Advocate for the Eryc Taylor Dance Company in your personal and professional communities by sharing its mission, history, story, goals and activities.

    • Have an ongoing interest in the future of dance.

    • Serve as connectors for ETD to the social, cultural, corporate, foundation, and development communities.

    • Offer your service in the areas of TIME, TALENT, TREASURE and TEAM.

    Get all the Perks! We thank our Board Members by providing complimentary VIP tickets to our productions, invitations to closed rehearsals & photoshoots, and the inside scoop on all things ETD.

  • Eryc Taylor Dance is proud to partner with corporations that seek to invest in the performing arts, artist collaborations, and community programming, reaching vulnerable and underserved populations. 

    Partnership opportunities can be customized to achieve a mutually beneficial relationship driven by specific philanthropic priorities. Additionally, corporate partnerships are recognized by VIPs all access to ETD events, performances, and workshops, which are custom-tailored to your organization’s interests. 

    Year-round, programmatic, and event-based partnerships are available.

  • Does your company have a corporate matching program? Many employers will match charitable contributions, allowing you to double the impact of your donation. We are happy to assist with any questions regarding corporate matching. For assistance, contact

    Eryc Taylor Dance, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation and all contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. EIN: 45-5583670

  • Eryc Taylor Dance receives generous support from local wine producers, artists, restaurants, and more. Our gratitude for their generosity is limitless as they support and exemplify our mission of building community through movement in New York City and beyond. 

    To donate goods and services to Eryc Taylor Dance, please contact

    You will receive complimentary VIP tickets to ETD productions commensurate with the value of the donation as well as recognition on all media platforms.


    From our world premieres to outreach workshops, volunteers play a vital role in the smooth and successful execution of our events. You can contribute your time, effort, and talents to ETD’s cause in many ways.

    Get all the Perks! We thank our volunteers by providing complimentary VIP tickets to our productions and invitations to closed rehearsals & photoshoots.

    To get involved, please email

  • Mail your check payable to:


    450 W 42nd Street

    New York, NY


Eryc Taylor Dance, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation and all contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. EIN: 45-5583670