Save the Date for the 2025 ETD New Choreographer Grant Concert
Friday, March 21, 2025 at 7:00 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2025, at 5:30 PM
Where: Martha Graham Studio Theater
(55 Bethune Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY)
Doors will open 30 minutes before showtime.
The show’s runtime is approximately 60-80 minutes.
There will be a 20-minute Q&A following each performance and a reception to celebrate the recipients after the show on Saturday, March 22nd.
Read the 2023 Recipient’s review HERE By Cecly Placenti, “Motion by Degrees”
“ETD’s New Choreographer grant is an important opportunity for emerging artists to gain that experience and the four pieces presented in this year's program highlight both the joys and the challenges of being a beginner.”
Read The 2025 ETD New Choreographer Grant Concert Program
New Works Presented by 2025 NCG Recipients: Nhyira Asante, Damontae Hack, and Thomas Hogan.
ETD 5x5 IG Live Artist Interview Series
Hosted by Eryc Taylor
Eryc Taylor Dance provides grants to aspiring choreographers to enable them to produce a 15-20 minute original piece. Eryc Taylor Dance reviews applications and selects grant recipients based on merit, dance experience, passion for choreography, and production innovation.
Eryc Taylor Dance will award a $1,000 grant to three recipients this year for the 2024-2025 cycle. Follow us on social media @eryctaylordance and @etdoutreah for updates!
Eligible applicants will be 19-25-year-old New York/New Jersey-based (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Hoboken, Jersey City, or Staten Island) choreographers who have never received prior private, corporate, or government funding to create a new work. Choreographers must apply an original concept that has yet to be worked on or performed anywhere. This submission must be an original concept. It must not be shown before the open studio showing in Spring 2025.
This grant is for individual choreographers ONLY; collaborations with other choreographers or ‘collectives’ are prohibited.
Eligible applicants must demonstrate strong examples of their choreographic style, vision, and process for a 15-20 minute original performance with at least three or more dancers. Preference is given to collaborators with musicians or other artistic production designers.
Grant Recipients will be able to premiere their pieces in New York City in Spring 2025. Eryc Taylor Dance will provide the venue, lighting and sound technicians, and a maximum of six lighting cues per 15-20 minute piece. The grant funds may cover additional costs that Eryc Taylor Dance approves. Additional costs might include venue rental for auditions, rehearsal space, fees, costumes, music, and payment for dancers. No sets, water, special effects, or elaborate lighting will be allowed. Eryc Taylor Dance may approve the use of props, live music, or elaborate costuming on a case-by-case basis.
Before receiving grant funds, selected recipients must provide Eryc Taylor Dance with a detailed budget, audition schedules, rehearsal schedules, and venue rental information. The Artistic Director of Eryc Taylor Dance may attend rehearsals and provide advice or critiques on the performance piece.
Grant recipients will receive funding in two installments. The first installment of $500 will be within two months following award notification. The second installment of $500 will be on the first of the month following the 2025 NCG concert.
Grant recipients will retain the rights to their choreography. For future performances of their work, choreographers shall use the following credit online and in programs:
“This piece was made possible by the ETD New Choreographer Grant.”
For any questions or concerns, please email Savannah Gaillard (Company Manager) at and/or Liviya England (ETD Outreach Program Director) at
Follow us @eryctaylordance and @etdoutreach + sign up for our newsletter online at for the most current information, news, special events, and other performance opportunities.
The ETD New Choreographer Grant program is supported, in part, by the Marta Heflin Foundation, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the city council, and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
Follow us on social media @eryctaylordance and @etdoutreach.
Robert Jamie Mason
“The grant I received from Eryc Taylor Dance to have this opportunity has given me access to an artistic freedom I’ve been waiting for.”
Kayla Laufer
“The entire process was a huge learning experience and I have grown so much from it. I appreciate all your guidance and support. I am truly grateful to have had this opportunity!”

2021-2022 ETD NCG Recipients
Amita Batra
Will Ervin
Moriah Markowitz
2018-2019 ETD NCG Recipients
Melanie Ramos
Jordan Ryder
Kanon Sapp
2017-2018 ETD NCG Recipients
Robert Mark Burke
Rachel M. Hettinger
Nicholas Rodriguez
2016-2017 ETD NCG Recipients
Winnie Berger
Aaron McGloin
Timothy Patterson
2014-2015 ETD NCG Recipients
Daniel Holt
Ana Sosa
Eryn Renee Young
2013-2014 ETD NCG Recipients
Ashley Carter
Gierre Godley
Jesus Olivera