About the Work

"Chaise Lung" (1992) is a duet reconstruction, a theatrically quirky and comical take on tango. Created in collaboration with choreographer Laura Peterson premiered at the Kunsthaus Tacheles in former East Berlin. Chaise Lung has toured throughout Germany and the US, including Lincoln Center "Out of Doors." Solomon Learners score brings a fresh and contemporary twist to the musicality.

Choreography: Eryc Taylor and Laura Peterson / 2017 Restaging by Eryc Taylor and Dancers

Original Score: Salmon Lerner

Costumes: Dav Burrington

Orignial Cast: Alex Tenreiro Theis and Taylor Ennen

Run Time: 7 Minutes

Estimated Artist/Production Fees (4 days, 2 shows including travel/housing)

Cast Fees: $1,240

LD/SM Fees: $1,350

Housing/Food Fees: $1,200

Travel by Car: $900

Choreographer Fee: $600

Personnel Fees: $1,540

Production Fees: $1,500

Estimated Total: $8,500