Meet Ari Salaam: Instructor, Nature Enthusiast, Activist

About Ari

Ari (They/Them), born in Bronx, NY, has lived in various places, including Maryland, California, Kenya, and Montreal. However, Ari has made a full circle and now resides in the Bronx. They deeply appreciate movement, which they consider a gift and a passion. Ari has chosen to turn this passion into a career by engaging in activities such as performing, teaching, training, providing therapy, or managing a studio. In addition to their love for movement, Ari is a nature enthusiast. Whether hiking in the forest, bird watching by a lake, or snowboarding in the mountains, they feel at home outdoors. They also have a keen interest in Circus Arts, as well as reading non-fiction books. Ari's adventurous spirit extends to international travel, and they actively engage in activism. They are especially passionate about advocating for the BIPOC and LGBTQIAP+ community.


  • Afro-Diasporic Dance: Celebrate the Rich Movements from the Caribbean, Hip-hop, Latine, and West-Africa cultures

  • Hatha Yoga: Unleash Inner Harmony and Physical Wellness

  • Stretch Move and Groove: Enhance Flexibility and Musicality

An ETDO Story:

"At one site, residents expressed interest in dancing to Motown classics. I created a Motown vibe by having one resident be the lead singer, another the musician/band, and the rest the background singers. Each resident's role was aligned with how they felt comfortable moving their bodies and connecting to music. The lead singer freestyled and enjoyed being a solo mover; the musician/band always sat in their favorite chair and attentively watched the group; the background singers loved the choreography and learning new dance moves or sharing moves they performed in their day program. We created our own live Motown band and had a blast!"

At the core of our mission, we aim to make all workshops and events accessible to provide equal access and opportunity to people with diverse abilities. We continually seek new ways to increase accessibility to the communities we serve and research new ways to broaden our outreach.


Fall Forward Dance Workshop


Broadway World Feature: BAUDELAIRE'S PASSION